Hello World

Welcome to my new blog!

I’m about 2 months into my new job as Power BI Evangelist for a huge, international enterprise. Opinions are my own, of course.

DAX. My first Power BI job was consulting for P3 Adaptive. I learned so much about DAX because at the time it was a job where really smart Excel pros would call when they got stuck with something. In consulting I also learned to keep going because people were looking to me for an answer.

Power Query and Power BI administration. Working for the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation / Greater Horizons was awesome. I implemented and administrated Power BI Pro. In the first six months, I learned SO MUCH about Power Query.

Direct Query and Beyond. In my current role, I’m doing so much to empower analysts in helping their stakeholders. LOTS of Direct Query. It’s amazing to work with so many people using Power BI at all skill levels and with such a rich skill base. People with experience in SSRS, SSAS, SQL, and more all diving in with Power BI. As a consultant (or a vendor), one can dispense wisdom from an ivory tower, but in the enterprise there are all kinds of use cases that fall outside the bright light of best practices.

I’m learning so much now that I needed to start a blog to share what I’m learning with the community. Looking forward to seeing you around. Let me know what you think.


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